
Paul Kuimet

Paul Kuimet (b. 1984) is an artist based in Tallinn, Estonia. He works with photographic installations and 16 mm films, the subject matter of which ranges from landscapes and architecture to objects and works of art. Obliquely addressing capitalism, its structure and modus operandi in which we are all immersed, Kuimet visually and aurally presents the social and cultural values of the present day through atemporal details and fleeting moments. He received his MA from the Estonian Academy of Arts in 2014. In 2018, he participated in the residency programmes at WIELS Contemporary Art Centre in Brussels and at the International Studio & Curatorial Program (ISCP) in New York City. Since 2022, Kuimet has been an Associate Professor in the Estonian Academy of Arts’ Department of Photography.

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8848, , 1,
C-print (framed), 1/6, Edition 6 + 2 AP, 48 × 48 cm, 2021
8850, , 1,
C-print (framed), 2/6, Edition of 6 + 2 AP, 48 × 48 cm, 2021
8852, , 1,
C-print (framed), 1/6, Edition 6 + 2 AP, 48 × 48 cm, 2021

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