
Julien Des Monstiers

To Julien des Monstiers, each painting constitutes a whole, the different styles of which can be understood in their entirety, that ultimately gives them meaning. A holistic painting that cannot be reduced to the sum of its parts and that eludes any pre-established definition. From borrowed shapes and gestures, with no hierarchy, to the medium’s great stories but also to the history of its motifs, that of hunting scenes, floral decors or tapestry. A work painted on canvas or on wood, on the floor or on a wall, depending on its needs, in a constant back-and-forth motion. Imprints by transfer, as he has always done but also precise gestures, slow or swift, made with brushes of course, but also other miscellaneous tools. Everything is grasp-worthy for an artist who considers the chassis as a frame on which to built his own territory, made of borrowings and inventions.


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